Previously Unannounced Acts Coming to Cirque du Soleil’s Drawn to Life — THE DISNEY FOX

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Previously Unannounced Acts Coming to Cirque du Soleil’s Drawn to Life

On November 18th, Cirque du Soleil will be adding some Disney magic for the first time into their newest show, Drawn to Life. When this show was first announced, they unveiled a few of the acts that would be a part of the show. But what we did not know is that they had two more acts that they had up their sleeve! 

Disney and Cirque Du Soleil's Drawn To Life Poster

The first act that was recently added to the list is the “Garden of Lines” unicycle act. The official Cirque du Soleil site states that Julie is swept into a wonderland of familiar shadows, shapes and outlines in an homage to cherished tales that inspire an animator. Julie’s whimsical mood fixates on a mischievous marionette from a time-honored Italian fairytale. Five playful unicyclists representing the Blue Fairy of the classic Disney Animation film “Pinocchio” appear to effortlessly float across the stage, performing synchronized stunts and individual tricks with pinpoint precision.

The second is “The Old Mill” double wheel act. According to the site the site wasinspired by Walt Disney’s groundbreaking 1937 animated short of the same name, which is seen in projections throughout. In a display of tenacity, perseverance and rise-and-fall motion, owls dreamed up by Julie’s imagination weather a storm using teamwork and courage to carry them through the powerful wind and rain that threaten their windmill home. The windmill of the film is represented in a spectacular, churning, fast-moving double wheel structure. Gravity-defying acrobats are in constant motion with the turning wheels—at times airborne—with astonishing balance and agility.

Double Mill Act

Out of the two, I am the most excited for the Old Mill act. As a child, I was a huge fan of the double wheel act because I was a fan of Bello Nock. He is a famous clown that actually invented the double wheel of death and Cirque du Soleil brought him in to coach and direct this specific act! It is a small detail but something that I find so awesome! 

Carise had the opportunity to go to a preview of the show back in 2019 and was absolutely blown away with the creativity and detail that was in the show and cannot wait to see what happens in the full production.

I personally think overall this show is going to be a huge hit and around for a long time. It is Cirque du Soleil’s 50th show which is debuting during Disney Worlds’ 50thanniversary. Lots to celebrate! 

For more information on show tickets, dates and pricing, visit

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