2319! Cupcake Alert at Walt Disney World — THE DISNEY FOX

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2319! Cupcake Alert at Walt Disney World


The exclusive 2319 Emergency Cupcake features a vanilla cupcake with orange pastry cream, filled with dark chocolate pearls and is available TODAY ONLY at the Magic Kingdom.

You can grab yours inside of Cosmic Ray’s Starlight Cafe.

My Funko pal Sully and his cute cupcake!

My Funko pal Sully and his cute cupcake!

A closer look at this delicious monstrosity

A closer look at this delicious monstrosity

The cupcake is made to resemble George Sanderson, who infamously caused the “RED ALERT” on the Scare Floor. His horn is made of white chocolate and dusted with edible gold glitter and Boo’s sock has the taste of a sugar cookie covered in icing.

 You can see the dark chocolate pearls hidden inside the cupcake. The cupcake retails for $5.99.


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