Meet & Greet — Blog — THE DISNEY FOX

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Meet & Greet

Groot takes over the Disney Parks this summer.

Three words, that's all it took;

"I am groot."

It was that single line (repeated over and over) from the first Guardians of the Galaxy film that captured the attention of audiences everywhere and became an iconic catchphrase overnight. The world fell in love with Groot as an aduly, but when baby Groot appeared.. he stole everyones hearts and solidified his mark as the breakaway character.

Luckily for all of us, the folks over at the Disney Parks took notice (thanks guys & gals) and there's a whole lot of Groot coming your way this summer at the Disneyland Resort and Walt Disney World.

Let's start off with California, and their "Summer of Heroes" campaign which kicks off May 27th.

The big deal with this is the reimagining of the "Twilight Zone Tower of Terror" attraction into Guardians of the Galaxy: Mission Breakout. The basics are this; The Tower of Terror is no more, its gone - along with all of it's theming. In it's place you'll find a fortress claimed by Taneleer Tivan, or as we remember him.. The Collector. His towering citadel holds the largest assemblage of fauna, relics and species from across the cosmos - and from the looks of this artwork released by Disney.. The Guardians have been procured as well.

Artistic renderings of Guardians of the Galaxy: Mission Breakout.                           Images courtesy of Disney

Artistic renderings of Guardians of the Galaxy: Mission Breakout.                           Images courtesy of Disney

Now the attraction won't officially open until May 27th, so there's still loads of info about this attraction that's being floated around. Obviously it will use some of the same effects as Tower of Terror did, especially the coordinated drops in the elevator shaft - and some early reports are saying there's spectacularly crafted animatronic you'll encounter. Is this true? We'll have to wait a few more days. What we could begin to guess is that with the addition of this attraction, we'll start to see more Marvel characters making a presence beyond the meet & greets. 

Speaking of meet & greets, that brings us to the next part of this article. Once the Summer of Heroes begins at Disney California Adventure, guests will be able to encounter Star-Lord and Gamora during the Awesome Dance Off and for the first time ever, attempt to selfie with adult Groot. That lovable hunk of treebark will make his debut in all his grandeur and honestly.. it's probably going to be one of the coolest things you'll ever see, and characters you'll ever meet.

While Star-Lord & Gamora won't have the opportunity for individual meet & greet opportunities, they'll still be able to entertain guests during the Awesome Dance Off.   

While Star-Lord & Gamora won't have the opportunity for individual meet & greet opportunities, they'll still be able to entertain guests during the Awesome Dance Off.   

Moving over to the east coast, Walt Disney World has also gotten in on the action by showing some love to the franchise. At Hollywood Studios there's a meet & greet already in place located inside One Man's Dream. It's there you'll find Baby Groot (from vol. 2) hanging out and interacting with Star-Lord. You read that right. Both characters have set up shop and appear together daily.

Now you can't have this amazing experience without walking away without a sweet souvenir, can you? Nope. Once again, the Disney Parks outdid themselves by offering this Baby Groot sipper cup. It has a removable lid, his arms move up and down when you walk, and it's pretty darn spectacular. This mug is currently only available at popcorn carts inside Hollywood Studios, and it's become a new "must have" item. 

This little guy also comes with your choice of beverage.

This little guy also comes with your choice of beverage.

So if you're looking to amplify your fix on all things Guardians this summer, and have a love affair with Groot.. head on over to the Disney Parks on either coast. Sure the Disneyland Resort may have a new attraction and an epic Meet & Greet lineup (Captain America, Spider-Man, Black Widow - just to name a few) but Walt Disney World has baby Groot - and for now, that's an absolute dream come true for most of us out there.