Opening Date Announced for Disney Springs — THE DISNEY FOX

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Opening Date Announced for Disney Springs

Disney Springs has just announced that a phased reopening of the shopping center will being on May 20th. Following the guidance of government and health officials, a limited number of shopping and dining experiences that are owned by third-party operating participants will begin to open during this initial phase. Until they’re ready, the rest of Walt Disney World Resort will remain closed, including theme parks and resort hotels but this does look like good news for those who had vacations booked towards the end of summer.

With the opening, there will be some safety precautions taken to lower the spread of infections and to keep things in tip top shape. Here are a few things that Disney Springs will be adding into their routine to keep us all safe:

Disney Springs will be applying learnings and ideas from leaders in the health and travel industries and will be talking with unions to help cast members get back to work. 

Additional protocols and procedures may be announced closer to the opening date. Please check as Disney Springs’ gets closer to May 20 for the most current information on operating hours, locations and safety procedures.

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